The BSI Inc has been established on the date of 03 January 2008 for the purpose of supporting the maintenance and repair of all kinds of the vehicles and equipment (War Reserve Materiel) for the U.S. Armed Forces in Korea including the painting and corrosion prevention & control in order to meet the requirements of the operational readiness of the USFK.
- General Repair of Automobile
- Painting of Automobile
- Repair of Aircraft Components
- General Construction Work
- Trading of Machinery and Paints
- Lease Business
- Repair of Generator and Machinery
We are a global leader providing services to perform the contract for the U.S. government.
Make an effort for successful contract performance for the project to meet the contractual
requirements and maintain the right level services with qualified employees.
All outstanding work comes from integrity, respect and people.
영문, 숫자, 특수문자를 포함하여 8~20자로 입력해주세요.
BSI INC Co.,Ltd.
570-6, Dongtangiheung-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 18469
Tel : 031-5183-9672 CEO Hojun,Song
Business hour : (Mon - Fri : 07:30 ~ 16:30)
상호: BSI 대표이사: 송호준 소재지 화성시 동탄기흥로 570-6 사업자등록번호: 739-88-00498
전화: 031-5183-9672 채용정보
상담시간: (평일 07:30 ~ 16:30, 점심시간 11:30 ~12:30)
COPYRIGHT (C) BSI All Rights reserved